Saturday, December 1, 2012

My Twenty-Percent Project: Part 3

Oh Google Calendar, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

Part 3 in my twenty-percent project involved learning about the finer details of Google Calendar, an app that I honestly can't live without! (To check out previous reflections see Part 1 here & Part 2 here). This was approximately a 3 hour tutorial that I did over the span of a few days since I felt fairly comfortable with the program and wasn't worried about forgetting the finer details as much. I use my Google calendars daily, to the point where they have completely replaced all of my other planners/agenda books for almost two years now.

Some of my favorite aspects of Google Calendar are:
  • Integration with my smartphone & tablet. 
  • Access to up-to-date information or changes on any of my devices, no matter where I am
  • Ability to create multiple calendars under the same account for different purposes, and to turn each one on or off as needed for clarity/visibility
  • Color coding for calendars and individual events, to quickly see what the event pertains to
  • Share calendars with multiple people so they can view, edit, manage sharing, or all of the above (great for the joint calendar I have with my husband to manage family events)
  • Can add guests to an event without sharing your whole calendar with them
  • Easy embed capabilities (awesome for class homework calendars, etc)
  • Event reminder notifications (on screen, SMS, email)
  • Can receive daily emails of that day's agenda in one concise list

There are other great reasons too, but I'll stop there in order to not sound like the tutorial :) I took the test, did well, and realized I'm nothing if not consistant with the score. (It's still driving me crazy that I don't know what questions I miss and why!) 

Next step: Google Docs. That one's going to be intense, but I'm looking forward to it!


  1. Sound like a great app! I really want to dive more into it. Unfortunately, I'm stuck using Outlook at work, but I've found that I can sync my Outlook to Google Calendar. It seems to be working so far!

    1. Nice! I've never been a huge Outlook fan, so syncing it to Google Calendar seems like a great 'compromise'--I'm glad it's working for you so far! :)

  2. good job Mureen.. I agree with you it is a good thing to see what are the wrong and correct things you had on your test

  3. I do love Google calendar. Although I never quite figured out how to share only one part of the calendar as opposed to all of it. This is something I want to look into.

  4. I am a big fan of Google Calendar, also. As a chronic color0coder, that option really appeals to me. I also love being able to invite people to an event with a couple of quick clicks. Having on all of my devices is great, too.
    I use Outlook at work, and much prefer Google.

  5. Google Calendar is awesome! I just recently started using it and has made my life so much more organized.
