Stories through Design
Check out this really interesting interview of Christoph Neimann, graphic designer and artist featured in The New Yorker and The New York Times.
I love how he uses images, both tangibly drawn and computer generated, to explain complex concepts in a way that many people can understand. He employs humor, intelligence, and social commentary in his work that is accessible and extremely creative--an example of Pink's Design and Story senses at their finest.
As an educator I would love to ask him:
- What school was like for you?
- Were you successful in all of your classes/subject areas?
- Did your teachers know about your amazing ability to create meaning through visuals?
- What would you tell students today who want to do what you do?
- What advice would you give to help them in school now and be successful later on?
To see more of his work visit his New York Times blog called Abstract Sunday here:
And for an awesome lesson plan surrounding him, his work, and how to create & interpret graphic language see The Learning Network's post here:
His art shows what curiosity lead to:creativity and an amazing passion. It would be nice to promote this interest/passionate learning more in our schools and see what new innovations children come up with.